Email Comparison

Welcome to the Email Comparison!  This section is meant to be a resource to those who value their privacy, specifically those looking for information on Email Services (that isn’t disguised advertising).  As this project grew, information was requested on Email Services for privacy.

Detailed Email ComparisonChoosing an Email ServiceEmail Chart FormulasEmail Glossary

Detailed Email Comparison

Green = “Generally good”
Yellow = “Something of concern”
Red = “Something major of concern”
Blank = “Undefined or for reader’s knowledge only”

See what these fields mean here.

You can download the Email Comparison Chart in other formats below:
Excelxlsx | LibreOfficeods | CSVcsv

I make every effort to keep the data on the Email Comparison Chart up to date.  However, parts of it could potentially be incorrect for various reasons – including if a given Email service is not transparent and does not make the data available on their official site.  Please do your own research if this is of concern.  Note also that if a company does not make available certain data on their website, I may assume the worst and a default field will be used.  This in no way means I am making a claim about a service, but rather noting the data they lack.

If you are with an Email company and you’d like to request an update to your information, feel free to contact me citing a proper source on the official website and I will be happy to update your data!

(Data last updated on 5/27/2018)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

–That One Privacy Guy